Mark Jewell

Liberal Democrat campaigner working for Ashton, Larches, Savick and Lea Learn more

Lib Dems correct controversial NHS regulations

by markjewell on 10 March, 2013

Norman Lamb

Liberal Democrats in government have acted quickly to amend contoversial NHS regulations.

Commenting on Liberal Democrat Health Minister, Norman Lamb’s statement on the regulations (Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition) under section 75 of the Health and Social Care Act, Co-Chair of the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Party Committee on Health, Baroness (Judith) Jolly said:

“Liberal Democrats ensured that Conservative plans for competition in the NHS were put back in their box during the debate on the Health and Social Care Act. Our overriding concern was to ensure that patients come first at all times and are never placed second for the sake of unnecessary competition.

“That is why Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords acted quickly when the new regulations under the Act created confusion, generating significant concerns about their effect.

“My colleagues and I have now ensured the Clinical Commissioning Groups have clarity: they have to decide what is best to serve patients’ interests and none should be forced to introduce competition.

“It is welcome news that the Coalition Government has responded so quickly and that the regulations are now being amended to make this happen.”

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