Mark Jewell

Liberal Democrat campaigner working for Ashton, Larches, Savick and Lea Learn more

LibDems fight for changes to NHS Bill

by markjewell on 8 June, 2011

Liberal Democrats are confident that significant changes will be made to the Government’s Health Bill to address concerns raised by the public, medical professionals and the party. 

Liberal Democrats led the calls for changes after raising serious concerns at the party’s Spring Conference in March. 

The Government has completed a listening exercise during a break in the passage of the Bill to hear the concerns. 

In particular, Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats want to ensure: 

  • The pace of change is slowed down to ensure changes are not rushed into. The changes must be evolution, not revolution
  • There is no privatisation of the NHS and no special favours for the private sector. We want a level playing field, not a race to the bottom
  • The NHS is properly accountable, both nationally and locally 

Commenting, CC Mark Jewell said: 

“Liberal Democrats have been clear from the start that there must be no privatisation of the NHS and that it must remain universal, based on need and free at the point of use. 

“With an ageing population and rising costs it is clear the NHS can’t stand still, but these changes are too important to get wrong. 

“I am proud that Nick Clegg and our Lib Dem MPs have been fighting to make sure the concerns raised by the public and medical professionals have been heard and addressed.”


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